
Showing posts from February, 2014

It’s all about winning, sweetheart

Winning is a complex word. From childhood, we are habituated to associate winning to glory, fame, money, status – but do winning really mean these aspects?

What is with being bad?

I have grown up with stories of morality, goody good humans, sensitivity, gratitude and being helpful to others.  They (in this essay, ‘they’ means people or society) say that if I followed the set rules – then only I will be acceptable by society. They say if I do not follow these rules than I will be shunned by society and society shall have a right to judge me. They say that being a girl I have to know cooking, cleaning, stitching, mothering, housework and to balance between all odds and even. I have to be faithful to my husband and a ‘pure’ woman throughout life to be “seek” by my in-laws; who no one has seen yet.