D: Dad’s Darling Daughter

“She was apple of his eyes,
Her smile made him melt,
He was happy to be a DAD

He promised her all comforts,
He promised her all freedom,
Because he is a loving DAD

He let her take her own decisions,
He let her fly on her own,
Because he is a supportive DAD

Down the years, she had grown
From a child to a girl, yet he protected her
Well because he is a DAD

For her, he cooked,
For her, he cleaned,
Because he was a Super Dad.

No words can suffice his emotions,
No words can convey his love,
Because he is a quiet and silent DAD.

I can feel his love,
I can see his tender care,
Because he is an awesome DAD.

All he wanted was to give me happiness
All he wanted was to give me best of the entire world
Because he always wanted to be a DAD – A Daughter’s DAD!”

 I dedicated this short poem to my dad. The poem conveys a lot than I can express in my words. For him, I have been his most precious possession. I need to thank him for being there always.
From the day I was born until today, our life has been no less than a story. But what remained unchanged was his unconditional love for me.

After mom’s death, he is the one playing dual role and responsibility. From my eyes he was a super hero and he still is. Time has changed but my love for him never has, is, or will change. The little I can do is to thank him from bottom of my heart to be always there as my silent and strongest support.

Thank you dad for everything! A part of my life story – short, simple, and sweet! 

Connecting it to A to Z Challenge


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